Overview of available documentation

Please have a look at https://blueskyproject.io as first stop for documentation on bluesky, Please note: *Bluesky* is used for the collection of experiment orchestration and for one of its core libraries. This page provides further links to different Bluesky documentation.

Code repository

Bluesky is developed in public: Please have a look to https://github.com/bluesky for the different repositories of its different components.


Binary packages are provided by https://pypi.org or for conda https://pypi.org/project/bluesky/. See e.g. bluesky tutorial for details.

Learning bluesky.

This text reflects my personal experience.
It is assumed that your hardware access is provided by EPICS.

Bluesky is structured in a set of different components that cover different aspects of the implementation. A user of a well setup experiment will only require to know basic Bluesky functionality. Implementating a complex device will require a bit more insight into the architecture and its different componets. Thus the required learing investment depends on the role one fulfills.

Using bluesky

If using bluesky in an already setup environment the background of the https://blueskyproject.io/bluesky/tutorial.html should cover nearly any aspect.

Experiment setup

Setting up an experiment will require to interface some actuators or motors. The access to devices is encapsulated by Ophyd devices (https://blueskyproject.io/ophyd/). It exposes the functionality of the device in a simple and consistent manner. Ophyd comes with predifined devices for motor records. It supports positioners. Devices can contain subdevices. Many customisation can be made, implementing dedicated methods for set or trigger. (Have a look to ophyd's architecture).

The predefined plans will fit many common experiments. These plans can be adapted by defining per_step stub plans. If you need to implement your own plan, have a look to the implementation of the standard plans as an example.

Liveplots are implemented as callbacks. These receive the event stream and typically extact and visualise the data the user needs to see.

Collection of documentation

Here links are provided to different parts of the documentation or to tutorial notebooks

Checklist for learing bluesky

Learning bluesky is like learning LaTeX: The start is much easier, if you have a mate next door that you can ask for help when you are stuck As soon as you gain knowledge, it gets much easier to create sophisticated devices or complex measurement plans.

Data storage

The databroker typically then uses care to store the data. At BESSYII a mongo database is used for storing data acquired during accelerator comissioning. Data brokers are available for many different back ends. A typical user will only need to know how his databroker is named and register it with the runengine using RE.subscribe(broker.insert)


See https://gitter.im/NSLS-II/DAMA

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